Category Archive: Guest Posts

Guest Post: Coutrney Giardina

Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to welcome the beautiful and talented author and actress Courtney Giardina as my guest blogger today. Read on and I know you'll be as exited as I am to read her novel, Tear Stained Beaches. She beautifully captures why we love to read and her excerpt below gave me chills when I first read it! Enjoy! Patricia Channeling Your Inner Haylie Julian By Courtney Giardina The best books are ones we can relate to. Ones where we can see a little bit of ourselves in the ch...Read More

Guest Post, Renee Carlino: It’s Why I Read

I’m in that funky space of just having finished a book I got so into that I don’t want to start another one because there’s no way it’ll be as good. Know what I mean? In case you’re wondering… the book is Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino. And I’m not alone. The reviews of this book are crazy good. Check it out for yourself on Goodreads and Amazon. So Renee and I were chatting yesterday about how much I loved her book when I asked her to write a guest post for me – for the very ne...Read More

Sandi Lynn, Author of Forever Black

Hi everyone, my name is Sandi Lynn and I’m the author of Forever Black.  I’m 42 years old and I’m a wife and a mother of three teenage girls. I work full-time in the laboratory at a hospital and I spend the rest of my time balancing the roles of wife, mother and author. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I’ve always wanted to write a book. I took some college courses a few years ago and my English professor pulled me aside one day and asked me if I ever considered writing a nove...Read More

Blink of an Eye by Shelly Hickman

Blink of an Eye by Shelly Hickman Last summer I wrote a passage about my son, because we were going through a bit of a rough spell with him and I felt the need to vent my frustrations in writing. I thought about sharing the original piece, but didn’t want him to feel bad on the small chance he might come across it. Highly unlikely since he’s not an Internet junkie like his mother; he has a life after all, but you never know. Luckily, that rough patch was short-lived and I have my sweet boy ...Read More

Guest Blogger – My 15 and 1/2 year old son

Hello everyone who reads this blog, I’m your guest writer for the week, Patricia’s son.  That sounds dumb, what I really mean to say is that my mom was too lazy to write her own blog this week so I’m writing it for her.  As impressed as you may be with my amazing writing capabilities I assure you that I did in fact write this, not my mom.  We’re currently on the tail end of a five and a half hour drive to our annual ski trip and it really needs to be over soon, like now.  I guess Iâ€...Read More