Choosing Happinessth-1

I’m inundated with emails every day.  Are you?  It seems most of us are.  It can be frustrating because honestly, there’s often a bunch of inane time-wasting crap mixed in with some really urgent, important, potentially life-changing stuff.  I was reminded of this fact yesterday when I finally watched a 12-minute video after 3 very well respected colleagues insisted I must watch it (the first was months ago).  I went into viewing it with a negative attitude, feeling 12 minutes was way too long to devote to some supposedly brilliant talk on  Not only was I dead wrong, but my negative attitude also seemed pretty ironic in light of what the talk was about.

I know a lot of people see the phrase “positive thinking” as new age, self-help, psycho-babble.  If you’re one of them, give me a minute to try to change your mind.  Check out what Shawn Achor, CEO of Good Think, Inc., had to say in the Ted talk I mentioned above, “The Happy Secret to Better Work.”

If you can raise somebody’s level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which means your brain in positive performs significantly better than it does in negative, neutral, or stressed. Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, your energy levels rise.  In fact, what we’ve found is that every single business outcome improves.  Your brain in positive is 31% more productive than your brain in negative, neutral, or stressed.  You’re 37% better at sales.  Doctors are 19% faster and more accurate at coming up with the correct diagnoses when positive instead of negative, neutral, or stressed.”

I know this is true because I’ve felt it.  Haven’t you?  When I stay focused on what’s good in my life and in my work, rather than how I wish things were different, I am more productive and feel better.  But I have to admit that sometimes it’s a struggle for me.  Some days, I feel great and I’m grateful for everything and everyone in my life.  Other days, it seems as if there’s a dark cloud over me and life feels like too much to handle.  I know I can turn it around myself by changing my thinking, changing my focus.  I know Shawn is right when he says it’s not what happens to us, but how we react to what happens to us that determines our happiness.  I just forget sometimes.  I’m going to work harder to remember.  Want to join me?

A while ago, I read a book called The How of Happiness. The author, Sonja Lyubomirsky, claimed that she had piles of legitimate research showing that only 10% of a person’s happiness is determined by external factors such as having money, a great job, even a happy marriage.  Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor, made a compelling case for the notion that 90% of our happiness is determined by internal factors, factors we have control over, such as our attitudes, reactions to events, and taking part in activities that make us happy.  This was a little hard to come to terms with because it forced me to take responsibility for my own happiness in life.  I had to admit that it was up to me to choose to think and act in ways that would make me happy.

Most people would classify Is This All There Is? as a romance novel for understandable reasons.  But in some ways, I think the search for happiness is the central question of my book.  If you’ve read it, can you see how the negative ways Beth thinks about parts of her life are her biggest problem?  Isn’t it painfully clear that she’s searching for happiness in the external world, which can only provide 10%?  Can you imagine a different outcome if Beth had worked to change how she was looking at and reacting to things rather than trying to “add” something to her life?

So, today I am going to choose happiness.  There are so many things to be happy about.  Yes, I know there are plenty of things to be upset about too – we all have those.  But we get to decide what we’ll give energy to and what we won’t.  I strongly urge you to devote 12 minutes to watching Shawn’s Achor’s talk and to telling friends to watch.  I would be surprised if you didn’t have a better day, week, and possibly life because of it.  It also happens to be hysterically funny.  And despite the title, it’s not just about work.  It’s a philosophy to live by, every moment, in every situation.  Maybe we can start a positive thinking revolution together.

Here’s the link to the talk:

Thanks for reading,


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